The Poligon

Our mission: the many-sided study of politics

Newsletter of the Carleton College Department of Political Science, September 2004


Spring on the Potomac

by Jessica Black '06 and Harrison Greene '05

Featured in this issue:

At left: U.S. Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) with the students of the 2004 Carleton in Washington Program
Standing:Paul Tewes '93 (Director, National Democratic Senatorial Committee), Graham Zorn '03 (Feingold staffer), Harrison Greene '05, Marcus Jun '05, Brian Page '05, Joshua Mahoney '05, Anne Cary '06, Wells Harrell '06, Rebekah Solem '06, Ben Phillips '05, Brian Marson '04, John Slaight '05, Jessica Black '06, Taylor Valore '06, David Derksen '05, Sen. Feingold, Prof. Schier, Leah Sipher-Mann '06, Karina Hill '06, Andrew Liesch '04, Becca Stark '05
Seated: Colleen Miller '04 and Scott Konzem '06

For those interested in politics, election year is an exciting time, no matter where you are. But the students on the Spring 2004 Political Science Seminar in Washington DC had the fortune of being in the political center of all the action for ten weeks. This year's seminar, led by Professor Steven Schier, was a smashing success. Students lived right across the Potomac in Rosslyn, Virginia, and worked full-time three days a week at internships they had secured before going to DC. The other two days a week were scheduled as seminar days, when students met with 84 different speakers over the course of the term.

At right: Linda Berg, National Political Director of The National Association for Women, addresses Carleton students. Brian Marson '04 in foreground.

Students got a glimpse inside the true Washington politics during their internship experiences. Nine of the nineteen students on the program worked on the Hill, interning with House Representatives and Senators. Some students worked at think tanks, including the Heritage Foundation and American Enterprise Institute. Other students' internships included Choice USA, the Children's Environmental Health Network, the National Republican Congressional Committee, and the Department of Justice. Many of the students, especially those who interned on the Hill, had to perform the occasional 'intern work,' including answering phones and sorting mail. However, students saw first-hand how the government works, sitting in on meetings and hearings, conducting studies and research, and performing other more interesting tasks.


Due to the hard work of Professor Schier, the students had remarkable access to many important movers and shakers in DC during the seminar each week. During the first week, students attended oral arguments at the U.S. Supreme Court before speaking with Justice Scalia. Later in the term, students met with John McConnell, one of President Bush and Vice President Cheney's three main speechwriters. Other seminar speakers included a variety of Senators, House Representatives, lobbyists, economists, academics, diplomats, media outlets and more.

At left: Robert Reischauer, president of The Urban Institute, with Karina Hill '06, Taylor Valore '06, and Marcus Jun '05.

Many students were awetruck by one speaker in particular, David Rehr, head lobbyist and vice president of the National Beer Wholesalers Association. "He was like Gordon Gekko," said rising senior Brian Page, in reference to Oliver Stone's 1980s classic Wall Street. Mr. Rehr wowed the Carleton College students with his razor sharp wit and cutthroat competitiveness. Many viewed him as their best link to what really goes on in Washington. Neil Howe, author of Generations, was another one of the students' favorite speakers. His amazingly accurate comments on generational traits and patterns were quite impressive, and he was able to illustrate many of the trends he studies with events in the political arena, including welfare reform, major tax cuts, and changes in the country's international relations. Said senior political science major Colleen Miller, "Howe's thoughts really exposed how political behavior is really not a function of one's age but rather of one's generation."

No book can bring you as close to the realities of politics as living and working directly in the political arena.

- Rebekah Solem '06

Before the banquet: John Slaight '05, Ben Phillips '05, Brian Page '05, David Derksen '05, Jessica Black '06, Leah Sipher-Mann '06, and Scott Konzem '06
Some of the most interesting insights were about presidential predictions. As one student, Rebekah Solem said, "I liked being here when we were because we got to hear many people's opinions on the election from the inside." Seminars during the last week were especially impressive as students met with Matt Dowd and John Epstein, campaign directors for the Bush/Cheney reelection campaign and the Kerry campaign, respectively. They told stories of their experiences on the campaign trail, as well as indicated their predictions of how recent events will reflect on the upcoming election. Some speakers told students to watch certain districts in Kentucky as they are 'representative' of the entire nation. Others said that the war in Iraq and its resolution would be Bush's Achilles heel. Many critics from all parties explained that Kerry has yet to define himself which would lead to trouble for him. Democrats did not understand how the recent developments in Iraq created such a negative situation for Bush but didn't allow Kerry to gain the lead in the polls. Republicans could not understand how Bush spent $60 million dollars on advertisements against a candidate that hasn't outlined any real amount of policy and was still tied in the polls. Overall, students benefited greatly from getting to hear directly from individuals involved in the political arena.


Interns also had the opportunity to attend receptions sponsored by many different groups trying to promote their causes, ranging from Taco Bell to the American Zoological Association. Others were held by programs such as Healthy Start, by offices and departments, including the Marine Corps Liaisons Office and many Senate offices, and by Embassies, like the Dutch Embassy. According to Andrew Liesch, life on the Hill "is like college with a tie."

While immersed in the political arena, students realized there is no better teacher than the simple experience of being a part of it all. They witnessed many major political events during the spring term, including the prisoner scandal and beheading of the contractor in Iraq, the March for Women's Lives, the competitive nature of the election campaigns, the dedication of the World War II Memorial, and, in the very last days of the program, the death of President Reagan. Rebekah Solem sums up the program by saying, "no class at Carleton could beat the amazing experience I had in DC. No book can bring you as close to the realities of politics as living and working directly in the political arena."

Final banquet, 2004 Carleton in Washington Program


Class presents research to Senator Dayton

Roy Grow's political economy seminar completed a term-long consulting project for Senator Mark Dayton. The class completed a detailed data-based analysis of "outsourcing" and then outlined the results in a three-hour presentation to Senator Dayton and his staff.

Carleton College wins Best Delegation
at World Model United Nations Conference

by Jake Hoppe '05

The Carleton College World Model United Nations team took top honors at this year's Harvard World Model United Nations conference in Sharm el Sheik, Egypt. The team, consisting of Charlie Carstens '05, Caitlin Elsaesser '04, Jake Hoppe '05, Colleen Miller '04, Dave Ohls '04, and headed by Rachel Pederson '04, captured diplomacy awards in five of six committees and was awarded Best Delegation.

Photo by Dave Ohls '04

Model United Nations provides an opportunity for students to do in-depth research on a world issue from the perspective of one of the member-states of the United Nations. Placed in committees that mirror the structure of the real United Nations, they then debate an issue, hoping both to create consensus and have their country's individual foreign policy represented in a final resolution that the entire committee passes. WorldMUN is a unique opportunity for university students from around the world to meet each other and discuss issues of international scope and importance. In the spirit of discouraging competitiveness and encouraging cooperation, the individuals that best capture the spirit of WorldMUN in each committee will be given Diplomacy Awards.

Photo by Dave Ohls '04

The team represented Peru on committees ranging from the Organization of American States to the United Nations Development Program, discussing topics ranging from sustainable tourism to gender and globalization. And while the team performed excellently during committee sessions, the experience of being on the Red Sea and meeting the other delegates was the highlight of the conference.

WorldMUN is a unique conference that brings together over 800 university students from 6 continents to simulate various organs of the United Nations and other international organizations. To stimulate interaction, social activities are held at nights to bring people together.

Visiting faculty bring new perspectives and exceptional scholarship

The Department of Political Science is happy to welcome three exceptional scholars and teachers this year.

Professor Martin Sampson of the University of Minnesota will teach as our Benedict Visiting Professor of Political Science this fall. Professor Sampson will teach a course on Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He is interested in comparisons of religious/secular issues in both communities; in ways in which each community's political structures complicate the quest for peace; in relationships between ethnic consciousness and demographic changes, and in the resistance of these dynamics to outside efforts to defuse the Israeli-Palestinian situation.

Professor Sampson's interests span foreign policy formulation, US foreign policy, and Middle East politics, with particular interests in identity/ethnicity issues and energy issues in Middle East politics. He has worked on international environmental policy issues, particularly Black Sea environmental cooperation. He holds a Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching professorship at the University of Minnesota. He earned his Ph.D. at Indiana University after spending five years in Peace Corps, mostly in Libya. In the past decade he has spent extensive time in Turkey.

Prof. Sampson's publications include Foreign Policy Restructuring: How Governments Respond to Global Change (Studies in International Relations) with Jerel A. Rosati and Joe D. Hagan; International policy coordination: Issues in OPEC and EACM (Monograph series in world affairs); and various chapters and articles on culture and foreign policy, game theory, and Black Sea environmental cooperation.

Noha Shawki will join the political science department as a visiting instructor beginning in the fall term. She was born in Egypt and attended the German International School in Cairo. She earned an M.A. in political science at the University of Trier, Germany, and is working on her doctoral dissertation at Indiana University Bloomington. Her main field is international relations. Her research interests include global civil society, transnationalism, global government and international policy problems. She is fluent in Arabic, English, French and German.

Her dissertation is concerned with transnational advocacy networks (TANs), which are among the most salient new actors in international politics and global governance. She looks at how and under what circumstances TANs contribute to global governance. More specifically, she asks how and under what circumstances TANs succeed in influencing the delivery of existing governance services or the introduction of new ones, and what are the dynamics and processes that underlie and explain their success or lack of success.

Ms. Shawki will teach the intro to IR course and International Perspectives on Human Rights, a new course that includes IR theory and comparative political philosophy. She hopes to attract students from diverse political cultures, so that they may look at the meaning of "human rights" from the perspectives of different religious and philosophical traditions. During winter term, she will teach the seminar in world politics. She will remain in residence during the spring to work on her dissertation.

She will present her paper, "Global Civil Society and Human Security Initiatives: Towards Transformative or Reformative Change?" at the APSA Annual Meeting, September 2-5 in Chicago. Shawki recently presented another paper "Beautiful, Bloody, Precious Stones: Blood Diamonds, Global Public Policy Networks and Global Governance" at the Association of American Geographers annual meeting in Philadelphia.

Julian Westerhout, who will teach the IPE class here this winter term, was born in Silver Spring, Maryland and holds dual US and Irish citizenship. He attended Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado, where he graduated summa cum laude with a major in political science and a minor in history. He is currently completing his Ph.D. in political science at Indiana University Bloomington. His main field is comparative politics, and he is also interested in public policy and moral philosophy. In the spring, he will teach 170 and the Intra-State War course, focusing on African Civil Wars.

Westerhout's dissertation looks at international development aid, using the Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework to analyze the institutional arrangements and incentive structure of the British Department for International Development (DFID) and several of its development programs in Sub-Saharan Africa. The DFID, in recognition of the limitations of the traditional aid models, has embarked upon an experimental approach in some of its programs that is designed to reduce the perverse incentives that have limited aid effectiveness, and to increase the degree of "ownership" of those programs by local end beneficiaries through greater decentralization of the decision-making process and greater involvement of more parties in the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages.

Mr. Westerhout presented his paper, "Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Towards a New Paradigm" at the National Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association in Chicago, April 2004.Westerhout recently presented another paper, "Perverse Incentives and Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa" at the Annual Meeting of the Public Choice Society and Economic Science Association in Baltimore. His skills include statistical analysis, advanced computer applications, and web design.

Noha Shawki and Julian Westerhout were married in May 2004. They enjoy traveling, hiking, books, and theater.

Prof. Robert Packer, left, being interviewed
by Al Montero and Morgan Weiland '06.
Photo by Jade Hoyer '07,
The Carletonian.


Talking Politics

Morgan Weiland '06 and Professor Al Montero hosted a weekly political talk show on KRLX, the student-run radio station, during 2003-04. They created "Talking Politics" to engage students in politics through "rational and non-ideological discourse," according to Montero. The show focused on current events and featured guest speakers on topics such as foreign policy, hate speech, and the economy.


Professor Montero's suggestion for the program captured Weiland's interest. She is the station's news director, and a political science major. She enjoyed capitalizing on the wealth of campus resources on political issues. "I definitely want to do something like this the rest of my time at Carleton. It keeps me informed of what's going on," she said.

Guests and topics included Mary Lewis Grow, Andrew Weiner and Bill Fisher on gun control; Kim Smith and The Carletonian editors on hate speech; Bryan Daves on Israel policy and the Mideast; Greg Marfleet on American foreign policy; Robert Packer on Iraq; Chad Bayse '02 and Blayne Eubanks '04 on "liberal" and "conservative" categories; and Khullani Abdullahi '06 and Ainsley LeSure '05 on that issue with regard to race.

(Photos and interviews courtesy The Carletonian.)

Al Montero and Morgan Weiland in the KRLX studio. Photo by Susan Schnur '07,
The Carletonian.

Seniors honored

The political science department hosted a dinner June 8 to honor and bid farewell to the senior majors in Political Science and International Relations. Professor Allen recognized the many members of the Class of 2003 who received awards.

The following seniors were awarded Distinction for their Political Science and International Relations comprehensive integrative exercise papers this spring.

Jeffrey Justman - "From Dull to Dangerous: The Problem of Increasingly Salient Judicial Elections in America," advised by Prof. Kim Smith.

Jamie Kastler - "The Electoral Effects of the Idological Divide Between Party Elites and Identifiers," advised by Prof. Greg Marfleet and Barbara Allen.

Brian Kichler - "Spinning the Media: The President, the Public, and Issue Framing" advised by Prof. Greg Marfleet and Barbara Allen.

Anna Layman - "Economic & Sociopolitical Immigrant Integration: A Comparative Study of Somali Refugees and Latin Economic Immigrants in Minneapolis and Rochester, Minnesota," advised by Prof. Kelly Kollman.

Jamie Long - "High-Tech Activism: The Effect of the Internet on Participatory Democracy in Environmental Interest Groups," advised by Prof. Kelly Kollman.

Sarah Martinson - "The Second Image Reversed Theory and theInvolvement of Transnational Actors in the 1997 Asian Currency Crisis," advised by Prof. Roy Grow.

Colleen Miller - "Power in Precedent: The European Court of Justice and Integration through Law in Competition and Environmental Policy," advised by Prof. Al Montero.

Daniel Poppy - "Foyle Re-examined: Public Opinion and the Presidential Foreign Policy Decision-making Process," advised by Prof. Greg Marfleet.

Distinction in comps was awarded to the following seniors for their exams: Charles Ansell, Dodd Sadeghi, Daniel Shinn-Krantz, and Emily Yates.

Hannah Kaplan, Anna Layman and Sarah Martinson were the seniors selected for membership in Mortarboard, the national honor society recognizing students who have combined distinguished scholarship, leadership, and service to their colleagues and the college community.

Phi Beta Kappa selected Jeffrey Justman, Anirudh Kumaria, Anna Layman and Emily Yates for membership. The national honorary scholastic fraternity elects its membership from students who rank in the highest 15 percent of their graduating class and meet other prescribed criteria.

Jamie Kastler was honored with the James S. Berglund Social Science Prize, awarded for the best essay or research in the social sciences.

Hannah Kaplan received the Margaret Dalton Curran Prize, awarded by the English department faculty for the most accomplished academic essay.

James Long was awarded the David John Field Prize, awarded each year to a senior whos (nonathletic) activities best exhibit the qualities of imagination, ingenuity, energy, verve, and zest for life.

Rachel Pedersen was honored with the Stimson Prize. It is awarded to the student who contributes most to the quality of debate or public speaking at the College.

Bowling awards were announced for "Bowling (Not Alone)" night in February: Chris Reitz '05 was the student champion with a score of 186, and Rich Keiser was recognized as faculty champion with a score of 165.

Faculty activities

Barbara Allen received a National Endowment for the Humanities grant for her work on Martin Luther King, Jr. She gave several public presentations of that work, including a presentation to Carleton alumni at the Weisman Art Museum in conjunction with the Smithsonian exhibit on civil rights.

Professor Allen was program chair for sessions on Tocquevillian analytics on the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis (WOW 3), the third five-year meeting of Workshop scholars in Bloomington, Indiana.

Laurence Cooper published an article, "Between Eros and Will to Power: Rousseau and 'The Desire to Extend Our Being,'" in the American Political Science Review, February 2004. He presented a paper, "Platonic Eros: The Effectual Truth," at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association in Philadelphia in August 2003. Both are parts of Professor Cooper's book on Platonic and post-Platonic understandings of eros and politics. He will be on leave during winter and spring terms of this academic year, completing the book draft.

Roy Grow continues as a member of a Washington-based task force that is evaluating terrorism, guerrilla warfare and American foreign policy. He also spent a good deal of the summer completing research in Hanoi, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Beijing and Amsterdam.


Richard Keiser was promoted to Full Professor in 2004. He will also be starting a three-year term as Director of American Studies at Carleton, which will unfortunately cut in half his teaching in the political science department. Professor Keiser spent part of the summer of 2004 conducting research in San Francisco on the politics of the construction of Pac-Bell Baseball Park (now SBC), home of the San Francisco Giants. And most unfortunately, the Keiser family's famous frisbee-catching dog, Yogi, passed away in January of 2004.

Kelly Kollman presented her paper, "The Globalization of an Idea: Same-sex Unions in Western Democracies," at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, March 17-20, 2004. She will present another paper, "Re-socializing Firms: The Transnational Dissemination of British Environmental Management Norms" at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association in Chicago, September 2-5, 2004.



Prof. Kollman won a fellowship from the German Academic Exchange Service to take part in a two-week study tour in Germany and Europe during June with about fifteen other North American academics and professionals. The theme of the tour was German and European Legal Systems. They visited law firms, government bureaucracies, academic institutions, the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. The highlight of the trip was a visit to the German Constitutional Court (equivalent of the US Supreme Court) and then going to a wine tasting with one of the sitting judges on the Court.

She also took a short vacation up North and saw a moose!

Greg Marfleet attended the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research Summer Program in Quantitative Methods last July and August, where he took courses in advanced statistical methods and agent-based modeling. He presented a paper coauthored with Brian Dille at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, August 27-31, 2003 (Philadelphia), titled "Information Literacy and the Undergraduate Methods Curriculum." Professor Marfleet also presented a paper coauthored with Carleton senior Colleen Miller at the International Studies Association-Midwest Annual Conference, November 7-8, 2003 (St. Louis, Missouri) titled "Failure after 1441: Bush , Blair, Chirac and the Security Council." He presented a poster at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, March 17-23 (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) titled "The Evolution of Player Strategies in Multiple Game environments with Multiple Equilibria: A Computer Simulation using a Genetic Algorithm."

Alfred Montero continued his field research on the politics of decentralization in Spain with a five-week affiliation (June-July) at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences at the Juan March Foundation in Madrid. While in Madrid, Professor Montero accumulated biographical data on the political career trajectories of the Spanish deputies for all eight legislatures of the democratic period (1977-2004). His study of career trajectories is the subject of his forthcoming article in the journal Comparative Politics. After his research in Spain, Prof. Montero continued his study of the French language in Paris during the month of August. Also, he continues to work on a textbook on Brazil that is under contract with Polity Press. In October, he will attend the Latin American Studies Association meeting in Las Vegas, where he will act as a discussant on a panel focusing on decentralization reforms in Latin America. In December, he travels to Brazil to continue his research on that country.


Robert Packer will be on leave during 2004-05 academic year. He received an opportunity to do research at the Rohatyn Center for International Affairs at Middlebury College. He will also be presenting a paper at the 46th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association in Hawaii, March 2005.

Steven Schier published a new book, High Risk and Big Ambition: The Presidency of George W. Bush, University of Pittsburgh Press. He did two book signings in Washington, DC in May. As editor of his Peter Lang book series, Professor Schier published Congress, Parties and Puzzles by Rich Forgette of the University of Mississippi. He continues to serve as political analyst for WCCO television in Minneapolis and fields numerous calls from the media.

Kimberly Smith's paper "Black Agrarianism and the Foundations of Black Environmental Thought" was accepted for publication by Environmental Ethics. She attended the Western Political Science Association Meeting in March, and delivered her paper, "Becoming Native: The Concept of Place in Early African American Thought." Professor Smith was also a discussant on the New Books in Environmental Political Theory.

Marek Steedman arrived at Carleton College in September last year, having recently defended his dissertation, "Before Dusk: Race, Labor, and Status in Louisiana, 1865-1900." In the past year he has been at work on a number of smaller projects. He prepared an article on "Resistance, Rebirth, and Redemption: The Rhetoric of White Supremacy in Post-Civil War Louisiana," for a special edition of the journal Historical Reflections / Réflexions Historiques. Another article, "State Power, Hegemony and Political Memory: Lotman and Gramsci," was published in the June 2004 issue of POROI, an online peer-reviewed journal. In November Professor Steedman presented "Labor, Race, and the South: A Case Study of Louisiana During Reconstruction and Jim Crow," at the Social Science History Association Annual Meeting in Baltimore.

During the year he gave a number of talks based on his dissertation, to faculty and graduate students at the University of Minnesota, Texas A&M University, and (best of all) to the political science faculty at Carleton College. He will present two papers at the upcoming APSA annual meeting in Chicago, one on race in Tocqueville's Democracy in America at the Foundations of Political Theory Workshop on Myth, Rhetoric, and Symbolism, and the other entitled, "Free Labor and Racial Ideology in the United States: An Historical Examination."

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The Poligon is a publication of the Carleton College Department of Political Science. Please submit contributions or comments on the Alumni Response Form.

or send to:
Tricia Peterson, Editor
Department of Political Science
Carleton College
One North College Street
Northfield, MN 55057-4025
Phone: 507-646-4117
Fax: 507-646-5615

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